6/1/2022 Workshop program released! Please join the workshop! Online student registration is FREE!
6/1/2022 Keynote speakers announced! Our keynote speakers are Nils Ole Tippenhauer (CISPA) and Zoran Kapelan (TU Delft)!
4/18/2022 Registration information is available online. Online student registration is free!
4/15/2022 The list of accepted papers is announced! Congratulations to the authors!
3/17/2022 All ACNS workshops (including CIMSS workshop) will be running virtually while the main conference (ACNS 2022) will be in hybrid mode. Authors are welcome to attend the event in Rome. The facilities will be provided for all on-site participants to join all the online sessions at the conference venue.
3/10/2022 There will be an ACNS Best Workshop paper award, with a 1000 USD prize sponsored by Frontiers.
2/10/2022 The submission portal is open!
2/10/2022 Considering the uncertain evolution of the COVID pandemic, the workshop will very likely take place in hybrid mode: authors will have the option to present papers remotely so that they will not worry about any health risk or travel restriction for attending the workshop.
Critical Infrastructure like power grids, water supply systems, transportation systems, are the backbones of our modern life. Therefore, the security of critical infrastructures is essential for our society. However, most of the existing infrastructures are still running without sufficient security protections, and more and more of them are getting connected and exposed on the Internet. The gap between the attack surface and security measures undermines the safety of everyone relying on the infrastructures.
Nowadays, with increasing numbers of manufacturing systems adopting the concept of industry 4.0, manufacturing systems are new targets for attackers to hack. Attacks on manufacturing systems can cause monetary loss of enterprises, performance degradation of the products, and production suspension, which are all serious consequences for our society and the manufacturers.
This workshop aims to bring together researchers interested in critical infrastructures and manufacturing systems security (CIMSS) to share new ideas. This workshop also intends to foster communications between academia and industry to discuss real-world challenges and innovative solutions.